Around the world on boiler service

Tratec Halvorsen's boiler service personnel visit customers everywhere.
- We inspect the boilers inside, pressure test them and check various safety functions. If repairs are needed, we take the welding job while we are already with the customer, says Rolf Galdal.
He and the team at Halvorsen have the whole world as their workplace. Before the corona pandemic limited travel, trips were booked to Vietnam and Brazil. Instead it has become an assignment on a Norwegian mainland. In addition, Galdal and the team go on offshore jobs.
- WE HAVE PRODUCED and installed over 2000 boilers in Norway alone. Each boiler is usually unique, and made to the customer's own specifications. When these need service and maintenance, we have the best starting point for doing the job as we have a large archive of data on all the boilers, says Galdal.
The customers who over the years have received heat- and pressure-stressed boilers are spread over a number of industries. And Tratec Halvorsen's service team takes assignments from everyone.
- WE VISIT EVERYTHING from slaughterhouses, bakeries and laundries to grain silos, wood industry companies and offshore installations, says Galdal, who lives in Flekkefjord but is originally from Feda.
He is a trained car mechanic and firefighter, and has worked with concrete for the past 12 years. But before that he worked at Halvorsen for several years as a service technician.
- Then I also worked with boiler service. So now the ring is over, Galdal smiles.