Project manager and marathon man

Tore Tjørnhom replaced his job as water officer in Kvinesdal municipality with a project manager position at Tratec Halvorsen.
Text and photo: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Communications
- I started on 1 May last year, and enjoy both my colleagues and my work very well, says Tore.
As project manager, he manages the finances of the projects, follows up the work in the workshop and ensures that the customers receive the necessary documentation.
- What I don't do myself, I get to borrow resources internally for, such as drawing tasks and calculations, he says.
TORE HAD worked for two and a half years in the municipality, when Tratec Halvorsen came on board.
- Someone who works here recorded my name, and when the offer came I couldn't say no, says the 57-year-old.
He knew what he was getting into.
- I was employed here in 2011, and know many of the people who work here from that time. It's a nice workplace, says Tore, who otherwise has most experience from the shipyard industry.
- I HAVE WORKED at Kvina Verft, Flekkefjord Slipp and Simek. Most of the time I have been sitting in the office and handling cases, says Tore.
But in his spare time he rarely sits still. The major leisure interest is running. Every week he likes to cover between 70 and 80 kilometres.
- I LIKE To train, but run more before, says Tore, who has participated several times in the Berlin Marathon.
When he puts on his gym clothes, the womanizer cultivates his other great passion - which is music.
- It must be hard. Heavy metal. There will be some concerts during the year, he states.